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Leker i röken

15:04 3692, Inga kommentarer
Köpte en rökmasking häromdagen och tänkte testa att leka lite med den. Det var rätt så svårt att fokusera korrekt i den dunkla belysningen (eller när man fotar i motljus) men jag gjorde mitt bästa.
Min dotter Leia var väldigt duktig och har verkligen fått häng på det här med att posera
Smoke in your eyes
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 85mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 320
Rising up from the smoke
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 85mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 320
No smoke, no fire
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 320
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 320
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F3.2Exposure: 1/125 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 3200
Touched by the fog
Tread lightly
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F3.2Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 1600
Out of focus
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/1000 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 1600
Out of focus
Accidentally, the camera choose to focus on the strands of her hair instead of here eye, but I liked the effect